Saturday, August 30, 2008

Growing Gus

We cannot believe that Gus turns 1 in less than 2 weeks! Where did this year go?! We love him so much. He just got two more teeth this week and was hollering about the pain. Poor boy! He loves to grab our hands, pull up, and walk around the house. He hates that he cannot keep up with Maddie and Elise but they are good to him and stay close. He laughs hardest with Eric now when he makes faces at him and plays rough. It's hard to know if it's boy behavior or just him, but he loves to make noise (banging his glass on the table), notice all the trucks and cars as we drive, and get dirty! :)

Bandelier Hike

Bandelier is a great national monument 15 minutes from our house. Today we went with the Price family and hiked.

We had a good day -- kids and dads built a dam in the river, the girls hid behind rocks and yelled "Surprise!" a zillion times, and we took turns hiking out to the waterfall.

The funniest part of the day was when Gus sat in the water, then Elise needed to do a "nature pee," then Maya slipped on a rock, then Elise fell in the river. Aimee and I had to laugh as we were alone with three little wet kiddos crying and the dads and Maddie were out at the waterfall.


The girls had a lemonade stand with their buddies, Tayra and Yaris, last weekend. Even though we had to zoom out of there at the end because a storm blew in, it was a blast and each kid made $1.

Friday, August 29, 2008


What's the best way to get rid of a big spider? If you ask Eric, it's a lighter and a spray can of carburetor cleaner! Don't worry, only a tiny bit of hair was lost ...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

First Day of Preschool for Elise

Tuesday was Elise's first day at Canyoncito. We love this preschool and its teachers. She had visited lots when Maddie was there. She LOVES her preschool because "it is so good." She loved doing her "jobs" and making a frame book and playing on the playground. It must have been a good day because she had paint in her hair. When Eric and I dropped her off, she was so cute, got busy playing, and didn't even blink when we left. I, on the other hand was a mess. I cried and wondered how she had gotten so big. Sigh. I had my own students in my classroom in a half hour so I had to pull it together, but I hope my Leesee Peesee doesn't grown up too fast.


First Day of School for Maddie

It's 1st grade this year for Maddie. She acted like she was a pro. She knows many of her classmates. Her teacher is known to be tough but good. And Elise really wanted to go with her (her big day was on Tuesday).

They had a good hug before Maddie got on the bus.

I had to sneak this photo. 1st grade is different than Kindergarten - not as many tears, not as many parents saying goodbye, not as BIG as last year. But I still miss her and cannot believe she is a regular elementary school kid now. Sigh.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Future Olympian?

We have been watching a lot of Olympics around here. When they started, Maddie asked Eric, "Dad why aren't you doing it?!" :) Kids say the sweetest things... After watching a lot of the swimming, Maddie has been talking about Michael Phelps like she knows him. So, in the spirit of the Olympics, Maddie wanted to sign up for the Los Alamos Kids Triathlon. It was last Sunday and she had a blast. She rode her bike 1/4 mile, ran 100 meters, and swam 25 yards. We had fun watching her and Elise wanted to know why Maddie wasn't on TV. :)

Maddie was the 2nd girl in her age group and earned the silver medal. She has her medals and triathlon hat hanging on her bed.

Her new school shoes were broken in during the bike and run.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Thursday, August 7, 2008

An Amazing Day

Today is the day my mom, Jeanne Elizabeth Carnes, was born and I was not sure how I would feel, but...

The morning sky was amazing as I left for my run. It looked like a Georgia O'Keefe painting. Check it out at Sky Above the Clouds.

I came home to the news of the birth of a baby girl -- Malin Kaya Eidenbenz -- for our good friends Seraina and Stephan.

Then, the girls and I went out to see our flowers. The sunflowers we planted on Mother's Day in memory of my mom are opening today. It was one of my mom's favorite flowers.

I miss her but she is with me everywhere.


Maddie tries to kiss a puffer fish!

It was a great lunch at the aquarium with our friends, Kyle and Riley.

La Luz Race

Eric and his friend, Toti, ran straight up Sandia Peak in Albuquerque last weekend for the La Luz Trail Run. It is on the 9-mile trail that goes under the tram straight up the mountain. It has been called one of the most grueling trail races in North America. This is Eric's third year, I think, and it sounds crazy to me. He did a great job, earning 3rd in his age group.

Hotel Happiness

The dads were running the La Luz race Sunday morning and the kids' favorite part was the hotel. Gus, Maddie, and Elise loved jumping on the beds, hanging out in Kyle and Riley's room, swimming in the pool, and watching lots of goofy TV.