Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Even though school's out for winter break, Eric has to work this week...except the days that we get pounded with snow ! :) Look at that happy face! Almost another foot of snow arrived last night and he woke up to a lab closure message. What a treat!

Breakfast burritos, more neighborhood snow forts, hot cocoa, lounging in our long underwear, donuts, skiing at the ski area and in our front yard.

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Puppy

Sadly, Bucky and Chaco are last on my list for getting attention, but they get LOTS of love from the kids. Elise says her favorite thing is Bucky's warm ears. :) Do you think he could pass as a reindeer?

Elise, Gus, and Eric are the biggest dog-lovers I know. When Elise was sick in the middle of the night a few months ago, she stopped to pet Bucky before she came and woke us up.

Opening Day

Pajarito Mountain Ski Area opened on Saturday. It was a busy day -- everyone wanted to get in some good skiing on the first day. Eric took both of the girls on the bunny hill. This is Elise's first real attempt. She was ready for hot chocolate after ~30 seconds. :) I brought Gus up to the lodge and we hung out in a corner. After lunch together, Eric took Elise and Gus home while Maddie and I did a few big runs together.

I cannot believe it opened just in time for winter break!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas Caroling Elise

Elise loves to sing and has been caroling a lot lately.

This was from her preschool Christmas party on Friday. Elise is in the middle in the black and red dress. Notice Gus on the side as he walks over to Sandy, our child care provider. :)

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Tuesday was a SNOW DAY!
No school or work for Maddie, Elise, Eric or I!
This is what it looked like when we went to bed Monday night.

We measured 13 inches Tuesday afternoon.
The ski hill reported 20 inches from the storm.
Skiing, sledding, snowman building, snowfort making.

Super Psyched Snow Day Sisters

I love New Mexico -- we got pounded with snow but it is so warm Eric is shoveling in short sleeves.

Gus didn't last. He hated his mittens and soon had frozen hands. He and I spent the rest of the day inside baking, wrapping gifts, and looking longingly at the girls and Eric play outside. I hope he figures out soon that keeping on your gloves is good.
After Eric piled all the snow at the top of the driveway, it became a sledding hill then an igloo. The kids worked hard to dig out a tunnel and then a room. They fit 6 kids in the fort --telling stories and even enjoying a plate of nachos inside. Our 10-year-old neighbor Matt said he would sleep in it that night...but in the afternoon they did a little experimenting -- jumping on the roof until it broke.

After being outside with the neighbors from 8:30 to 4:00, only coming in for a short lunch, Maddie really enjoyed her hot cocoa. It is great to live on a cul-de-sac with kids.

Ski Season Begins

As of December 12th, ski season begins. Pajarito Mountain got enough snow to skin up and ski down. Now, the skis lean against the wall outside the back door. The boots need to find homes inside the back door. The gloves, mittens, hats, and coats bust off the hooks. We try on the gear and plan for days of bright blue sky, green-green pines, white fresh powder. What a place to live!


Gus' First Snow

Gus saw snow last year but he was too new to really get it. When we got our first snow on December 9th, he was mesmerized. After we said goodbye to Maddie and dad, he didn't want to go back in the house. Later, he crunched around in his boots and had to figure out what that cold stuff was on his hands after he fell over.

These are the moments that make parenting the best job around -- life stops and you watch pure curiosity and joy on such a sweet face. Thank you Gus!

Holiday Weekend

The first weekend in December is jam-packed with fun for the kids. We spent both Saturday and Sunday around town with other family friends. It is a great way to get in the mood for Christmas.

We did Christmas crafts at the library including Iris paper folding with our favorite librarian, Melissa.

The girls went shopping in a local church basement for gifts for everyone in our family. They were so proud when they came up the stairs with many bags and change in their pockets. In years past, they have picked out some very creative things.

We went to the Holiday Light Parade with lots of friends and cheered the trucks, dogs, and people wearing lights.

The parade ended as they lit many of the trees around the downtown pond. Gus LOVED the lights.

We picked out a fabulous tree from the Delancey Street Christmas Tree Lot.

We enjoyed "The Nutcracker" with fabulous dancers including our pediatrician as Mother Ginger and our favorite babysitter as the Snow Queen.

This is Shelby.
The Snow Queen. The Chinese dancer. My student. Our babysitter. The girls' private ballet teacher.

Breakfast with Santa

One of the first events of the Holiday weekend is breakfast with Santa. Since all our kids are at different stages, it was really fun.

Gus -- 15 months -- thought Santa was scary and made lots of nervous sounds as we got near him. We managed to get him on Santa's lap long enough to take this picture and then he cried.

Elise -- 3 1/2 -- is absolutely into Santa this year. She was soooo excited to see him when we walked in and wanted to get in line right away. She clapped her hands and jumped in his arms. She asked Santa for a "Stretchy Dora" like the one at her friend Kamaya's house. Kamaya got hers from the person who sold them their house. It is a "one of a kind" toy -- inexpensive and not seen anywhere else!

Maddie -- 6 -- had a special list she wrote herself. She doesn't ask us for anything if we go to the store but she saves up her dreams and desires for Christmas. Enjoy her list:
A Barbie jeep.
Her ears pierced. "Since Santa is magic he can come in the middle of the night and give me golden earrings without it hurting." (Maddie told me that she has been wishing on each star and on her last two birthday candles for pierced ears.)
A real pet. When I reminded her that she has a few pets, she said, "Not a dog or a fish, but a real pet like a guinea pig."
A real digital camera like mom and dad's.
A real horse.

Winter Ball

Maddie's elementary school had a dance party for the holidays. Her PE teacher taught the kids all the classics like the Hokey Pokey, the Chicken Dance, the Macarana. It took us a bit to get into the groove but soon all of us were shaking it and we danced the night away.

Lucky Charms Anyone?

After the kiddos are in bed, Eric and I crack out the snacks each night. Our new favorite 8PM treat is a big ol' bowl of Lucky Charms. Eric got me this bowl the other night. It was ridiculously huge and we had a good laugh.

Then I ate the whole thing!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Time with Grandpa

No one loves you more than your grandparents.

For My Brothers...

Since my brothers like to think I can only make toast and I still eat noodles with butter, here are the photos of me making Thanksgiving dinner! :)

I even had time to help Elise and Maddie make turkey hand placemats.

There is lots to be thankful for...I wish could have been together. I love you guys!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Road Trip

Grandpa and Grandma's house in Phoenix was our final destination for Thanksgiving, but we decided to "road trip it" with the kids and enjoy west central NM and east central AZ.

After Socorro, we drove past the VLA. You might remember it from the movie "Contact" with Jodie Foster.

We stopped in Pie Town to have lunch and some awesome homemade cherry and apple pies at the Pie-O-Neer.

We camped at Lyman Lake State Park near St. John's, AZ.

We drove through the White Mountains in the the Salt River Canyon. WOW!

We enjoyed all the mountain driving into Globe, AZ and were saddened to enter into the hazy smog of the city. But we ended the road trip with an evening at Amazing Jake's for merry-go-round rides, bumper cars, mini-golf, and lots of food.