Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Poor Elise

Elise started to complain of her eyes hurting at dinner last night. They looked puffy so we asked her, "What did you eat at preschool? What flowers did you pick on your walk with Sandy? Did you pet any new dogs?" It is so hard to figure out what causes an allergic reaction. We gave her Benadryl and she fell asleep on the couch. As Maddie walked out the door to the bus this morning, Elise woke up with her eyes almost swollen shut. Poor Girl! Many people in town are complaining about the pollen and allergies. We aren't sure what caused it but we are home today taking it easy.

And in this photo she is looking better...

Earth Day Critters

Our local environmental center had a fun day of activities on Saturday to celebrate Earth Day. There were booths with information on the town's free bus service and the high school's environmental club. We enjoyed seeing friends and watching a show with jugglers and tie rope walkers.

Maddie Mouse

Always a puppy...

Bunny House

The girls were sad we didn't make a Gingerbread House this Christmas but we found an "After Easter" deal on a Bunny House.

Monday, April 20, 2009


Gus was baptized on Friday while Grandpa and Grandma were here. It was a small, intimate moment as a family with his godparents, Stephan and Seraina Eidenbenz.

He was wonderfully calm as the warm water poured on his head and we all shed our own tears.

We love him so much and know that he is surrounded by much love from family and friends!


Grandpa Les and Grandma Sandy came through Los Alamos one last time this weekend on their way back to Minnesota. They were greeted with six inches of snow from the crazy snowstorm. We had nice short visit and we wish them well as they travel across the country and get settled back in Minnesota. We'll miss you!

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Eric turned 30-something (36) on April 14th. It was a busy day for him. He had to get up and drive to Socorro in the wee hours, study all day, and drive the 2.5 hours back. He was hurrying home to eat tacos with the kids before his evening class in Los Alamos and he got a speeding ticket...not a very fun birthday present. We weren't able to have our special dinner, but we made it up to him after his class -- cake, presents, and lots of love.

Happy Easter! Brrr...

Happy Easter!

The Easter Bunny came (and the Tooth Fairy). We ate jelly beans for breakfast. Then, we wore summer-y Easter dresses under our winter coats and fancy shoes in the snow.

Another Lost Tooth

Maddie lost her third tooth the Saturday before Easter. She has been waiting for her gray tooth on the top to get wiggly, but it was one on the bottom. It was an interesting night around here since she was visited by the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy on the same night and had a lot of questions! "Stanley at school says that the Easter Bunny is just your parents...Dad, is he real?" Help!

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Hawaii 2009

We had the very good fortune to spend our spring break in Maui this year. Several things seemed to coincide for us to get there. We had talked about going to Arizona or camping in the van in Texas but everything fell into place for us to go to Hawaii -- inexpensive airfare, available housing, and extra funds from my mom's estate and my dad. Although the flight was long, Gus struggled with all the traveling, and we ended the week with sick kids, it was a fabulous week together and we are so thankful that we could go.

After hours over the ocean, seeing the island was excellent. As we walked off the airplane, Maddie said, "Do you smell that!?" The ocean!

We spent the majority of our days on a beach.
Eric dug huge holes each day. I loved the refreshing views and sounds of the ocean. The girls made friends and sand castles. And Gus ate more sand than we care to admit.

Maddie and Elise were great buddies all week.

Eric rented a long board to try out some stand-up paddling right in front of our apartment.

The girls fed the sea turtles at the Maui Ocean Center.

We saw whales every morning from our balcony.

We discovered what the locals eat -- spam musubi -- spam on top of a block of rice wrapped in seaweed. Stop at the local gas station with $2 for this tasty treat! :)

Eric and I tried to find time to just be together without some of the everyday demands.

We drove to "Upcountry" to get some great views of the island. We discovered an awesome farm stand on our way to the volcanic crater at Haleakala National Park.

We drove from the ocean, through the clouds, to the top of the crater at +10,000 feet.

After we discovered the sunflowers at the farm stand, I decided to leave my mom a little thank you in the clouds (The girls tell me that's where the angels live).

We left the crater and watched the sun set into the clouds. I guess my mom liked the sunflower.

Eric and Elise went shell hunting while Maddie (102 fever) and Gus napped. I took this photo from our balcony.

The girls loved boogie boarding.

We celebrated our last night at a luau. The girls wore their new Hawaiian dresses and flowers in their hair. They were most impressed with the hula girls and the fire dancer who ate fire.

Aloha. Love. Peace.

The Friday before we left was a SNOW DAY!
8 inches, no school or work, a perfect time to fly away to a tropical island.