Saturday, October 31, 2009

Barbie Bike Celebration

Eric loves bikes! So when each kid figures out how to ride, he promises them they will get a new bike. Check out Elise's Barbie Bike! It even has a little bike attached where her own Barbie can ride along! :)

Balloon Day

There was an amazing balloon guy at the local health fair. He made Elise a mermaid (check out her bikini top!) and Maddie a palm tree with coconuts and a monkey! When we got home, Eric made Gus some swords and he had a blast with the neighbor boys!

X-County Run

On Your Mark...

Get Set...


The high school cross country team had a meet at the golf course and invited the elementary schools to compete for "Faster Los Alamos School." Maddie really wanted to do well for her school. She was one of the last ones to cross the finish line, but she didn't know and had a blast!

It Doesn't Get Any Cuter!

Mac and Tab

Elise's First "Official" Book from Canyoncito. She is so proud!

My Mom and the Coyote

October 19th. My mom. Sunflowers. Fall colors. Smiles. Tigerlilies. Hugs. Bluebirds. Golf.

I played a round of golf by myself -- a few mom moments and a few tears.

It was a beautiful fall day on a quiet golf course...until this coyote came out of the woods, sniffed my ball (!), and walked down the fairway past me. Wow! I was in awe!

There are many coyotes in Native American stories in the southwest (which my mom loved). So I had to investigate and find some meaning in my lone golf course coyote crossing.

"Coyote--wanderer, glutton, lecher, thief, cheat, outlaw, clown, pragmatist, survivor. In the desert Southwest US, coyote the trickster still plays an important pragmatic and ceremonial role in the lives of Native American people. He never gives up, is always willing to say “yes” to anything, and never takes himself too seriously. In the traditional oral literature of Native Americans, mythological creatures like coyote do not represent animals. Instead, they represent the First People, members of a mythic race who first populated our world and lived before humans existed. The First People had tremendous powers and created all we know in the world, but they were--like us--capable of being brave or cowardly, conservative or innovative, wise or stupid. Native American coyote stories are told to audiences of young and old alike. They are sometimes told to explain cosmology, as instructional tales for the young, to illustrate history, to illuminate tragedy, and sometimes just for the sheer hilarity of telling and hearing a funny story. In all these guises, coyote stories are a mirror for our own lives, pointing out the petty foibles and the most magnificent strengths. In a more practical vein, coyotes are survivors, able to co-exist around the edges of most human habitats."

I miss you, mom!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Two Wheeler

Go Elise Go!
Eric and Elise spent the afternoon together biking and when we all got home, we got to celebrate! SHE DID IT!!


Elise, our Big Girl

It is hard to believe, but, Elise will be 5 in March. She is a happy girl who loves to be in her room, looking at books or playing with her doll house. We are so proud of the big kid she is becoming. It is hard sometimes to be in the middle with a big sister who gets to do more things and a little brother who yells to get attention. Elise has mastered simple tasks like getting dressed and eating all her breakfast, and moved on to bigger kid stuff such as helping set the table or working on a dot-to-dot. Preschool has been great for her -- she is trusting herself, taking the initiative with friends, being part of a bigger world. Her preschool is so warm and nurturing, yet unassuming. Learning is self-directed and they are letting her grow into herself.

So the other day, I found her in her room with the beginning reading books Maddie used at preschool. She was sounding out the words all by herself. :) So that night, we read the book and I had to take this video. What a big girl!

Pajarito Trail Fest

I got crazy and ran Pajarito Trail Fest 15 mile trail run with my amazing friend Kelly. She stayed with me as a stumbled over rocks and wobbled down the ski runs. We finished in just under four hours and she was psyched so I didn't feel too much like a slacker. I couldn't walk for a day or so, but it was great! :) Beautiful colors, lots of fresh air, and I even won a thermos in the raffle!

Dad Rocks!

With all nice weather, Eric and the kids have been goofy around a lot. He took them to the playground to shoot hoops, they got lessons on catching, and Gus is Eric's "little buddy."

More Hiking

Los Alamos has a paved canyon rim trail that we enjoyed for the first time the other day. We took Bucky to the dog park and discovered another part of Los Alamos on the path.

March, march, march!

Acorns were collected, shoulders gave good views, and we enjoyed yet another beautiful fall day!

Zoo Day

"We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo! How about you, you, you? You can come come too, too, too. We're going to the zoo!"

Gus ran and yelled the entire time! :) "Train! Choo-choo! Zebra! Oh-oh, ah-ah, monkeys!..."

This giraffe baby was born on my birthday. :)

Maddie, our aspiring zoologist, kept a journal of all the baby zoo animals. She bought it to school the next day to tell her class about her discoveries.

Elise passed out on the way home and only wanted Maddie to carry her inside.

"Hi Fishy! Blub, blub, blub!"

Many Hikes Lately

We have enjoyed many beautiful hikes lately. The weather is warm, the trees are gorgeous, and the kids are so happy!

"Wait Me!"

Box Boy

I was busy in the kitchen the other morning and Gus played with the box for our new blender. What a toy! He rearranged that box for a half hour. He settled with a little fort. :)

Friday, October 9, 2009


Homecoming week was really fun. There was a lot of school spirit at LAHS this year and Maddie and Elise got to be part of that excitement. I was able to dress up as a "Fame" star one day for school, the kids were able to sit on the gym floor at the Homecoming Pep Rally, and Gus loved to cheer on the parade -- especially his sisters. Friday was a beautiful day with green hair and lots of candy!

Gus LOVED the parade!

Elise rode on the gymnastics float with her buddy Violet!

Maddie walked with the Brownies and gave us all candy!