Sunday, January 3, 2010

My Mom's Family Tree

My wonderful brother, Steve, scanned a whole bunch of old family photos and sent them for Christmas. It was a great surprise and I had to include them in the blog. This is an elementary school photo of my mom! :)

First, my mom's mom's family...

John Fischel was my great-great grandfather (1858-1936). He married Julia Wiltse (1861-1912) and they had 6 kids in Harmony, Minnesota. Their middle child, Maude Fischel, was my great-grandmother. She married John V. McAuley and had my mom's mom, Janet.

This is Eneas J. McAuley, another great-great grandfather. He was born in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Scotland. He married Jessie Hislop (-1927) and then emigrated to Ontario, Canada and had my great-grandfather, John V. McAuley, who was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

John Valentine McAuley (1881-1940), my great-grandfather, married Maude Fischel.

This is Maude Fischel McAuley (1883-1947), my great-grandmother, when she was 16 years old. She had three boys and one girl, my grandmother, Janet.

Here is my mom's mom, Janet Julia McAuley, when she was 3 months old.

Now my mom's dad's family...

My great-grandparents Arthur Carnes and Mattie Fales were married in 1907 and had four boys -- Donald, Allan, Leslie, and my grandpa Harold. Sadly, Leslie got sick as a baby and died a few months later. My Grandpa arrived ~2 years after the death of Leslie.

Arthur Bouviere Carnes (1875-1914) was born in New York, taught fencing, and was said to have lovely eyes (according to my mom). Sadly, Arthur died of pneumonia right before Christmas when he was 39.

Mattie Lorraine Fales Carnes (1874-1943) went on to raise three boys by herself after Arthur died. I cannot imagine how she grieved-- my grandpa was only 14 months old, Leslie had just died three years earlier, and her oldest son was only 7 years old! She went to work as a typist and bookkeeper at the Northwest Stamp Company. Then, she worked as a social editor for a newspaper in St. Paul where she wrote about community events for over 20 years. In a 1975 article remembering her, she was described as "warmhearted, intelligent, and very understanding." She "wore big green eye shadow and shared her lunch." Her father, Grenville Fales, grew up in Maine. Our Maddie is named in honor of this strong women.

This photo shows the three boys (Hal, Allan, Donald) with their mother, Mattie, in 1942, just a year before she died at the age of 69.

Now, my mom's parents...

Harold Arthur Carnes (1913-1997), my mom's dad, was described as a "cheerful child." My memories of him include him playing requests on the piano and his big smile. He grew up in West St. Paul and was always involved in the community. He was very involved in the Mason organization -- starting in the Order of DeMolay, becoming a Mason, and eventually playing circus calliope as a Shriner. As a young man, he rode the train to Chicago and won a dance marathon! This photo was taken in 1928 at Phalen Park Beach in St. Paul, MN. He is in the middle and it is one of the few photos of him with hair!

This photo is my mom's mom, Janet Julia McAuley, (1911-1984) as an adult. Since she had three brothers, she was described as a real tomboy, as well as intelligent and independent. She loved to sing and was a soprano. She loved to crochet and was very crafty. She knew the names of most birds, trees, and flowers. She was also involved in the Mason organization as an honored queen of the Job's Daughters and a member of the Eastern Star.

Harold (Hal) Carnes and Janet McAuley were married November 22, 193?. They lived in St. Paul, Baudette, and settled in Annandale where my mom called home.

Grandpa Hal was an excellent golfer and they bought the Clearwater Country Club in 1950(?) and my mom used to drive the golf cart and sell drinks. It was the last sand green golf course in Minnesota.

This is my favorite photo of my mom as an almost 5-year-old. She loved dogs and check out her underwear! :) Taken June 16, 1947

This Christmas photo from 1949 shows my mom in the front of her sister Judi surrounded by Hal and Jan. Hal's older brother Donald and his wife Martha must have hosted them that year.

My mom holding hands with her dad.

My mom and her dad at the beach.

My mom as Miss Annandale in 1960! Maddie and Elise loved to learn that their grandma was a real queen! :)

My mom, the ultrasound technician, at work in the 1980s.