Sunday, June 8, 2008

May 23: School's Out

Our last week of school was busy and exams for my classes, a family picnic at Maddie's school, Elise's last hiker party with Sandy, packing my classroom things, making thank you gifts, Maddie's Kindergarten Celebration and Mrs. Wishy Washy play.

We love Maddie's Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Hopkins. She is a Minnesota-native with three young daughters of her own. Maddie got her phone number so she can call her this summer. She even gave Maddie a flower at her ballet performance.

Check out Maddie in the Santa Hat doing "Ah-Too-Tee-Ta, Ah-Too-Tee-Ta, ...Elbows back...Knee together..." dance with her classmates.

Elise made this picture for Sandy. Notice the drawing of Sandy and Elise on the left -- they are blue (their favorite color!). The top circles are special messages that say, "I love you Sandy."

Sandy and her puppy named Sugar Babe with sleeping Ovaska kids on the last day together before summer break.

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