Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Silly Sleepers

So I went in to check on the girls and had to add one more post.

When I was cleaning the kitchen after bedtime, I noticed it was really noisy in their room but it is summer -- who cares what time they fall asleep and it was quiet soon enough. Little did I know what they were up to.

When I went into their room, I couldn't find Elise in her bottom bunk. Hmmm... I looked on top and found them both. Together. Holding hands. Sleeping like angels. They weren't angels today when they were fighting over the hose in the backyard or who gets to sit by Gus or the new plastic golf clubs, but they looked amazing when I discovered them together in Maddie's top bunk. Silly angel girls!

Shhh! Secret Raspberry Patch

I took the kids on a little hike this weekend to get out of Eric's hair while he worked on the kitchen floor. We discovered an AWESOME raspberry patch. So we took dad tonight after dinner so we could have fresh raspberries for dessert. YUM!

My lasagna was a hit!

Summer Time with Friends

Group Hug! Isaac, Maddie, Tayra, Kamaya, Elise, Yaris. We spend most days together at the pool and have known their families since the big kids were two (?). The hug will be bigger as soon as the littler ones can join in.

Elise, Yaris, and Kamaya are the younger siblings of Maddie's friends Tayra and Isaac.

Kyle and Riley live in our neighborhood -- Eric and I run with their mom and dad. Maddie likes to be a big sister to Tanner in the middle.

Maddie's "bestest" friend, Tayra. They are both the big sisters and Tayra's mom will have baby #4 any day. They love to swim, share secrets, and ask, "Can we have a playdate today?"

Elise's newest friend, Maya. They have a lot to share with each other -- Elise loves blue, Maya loves pink, Elise loves Dora, Maya loves Cinderella, Elise loves dogs, Maya loves cats. AND yet the same -- they are both three, love to dance, and eat chocolate chip bagels at the local duck pond.

Hanna is one of Maddie's favorite Kindergarten friends. They met on the first day, got really good at the monkey bars together, and had to say "goodbye" this week. Hanna is moving back to Poland with her family tomorrow. Maddie is so sad.

Playing at the neighborhood park with their buddies Kyle and Riley.

More Artsy Fartsy Time

The girls made this stepping stone with their handprints to remember the summer of 2008. Cara, this is the kit you gave me! I saved it for when they were bigger. THANKS!

Broken Faucet = Kitchen Remodel?

Well, our kitchen faucet broke and, as it seems to go, we are in the midst of updating our entire kitchen. It started as just replacing the faucet but in these 50+ year old houses it is never simple.

So here is how my logic went...if we have to pay the plumber $$$ to refit the old faucet and sink, maybe we should look into replacing them, if we are going to get a new sink and faucet installed, we might as well look at countertops, if we can afford new inexpensive countertops, let's replace our fridge since our 10-year-old one is freezing all our fruits and vegies, oh no the new refrigerator is delivered and it doesn't fit, no problem, we can take out the cabinets, if we are going to take out the cabinets, we might as well replace the old vinyl flooring, ... you get the picture. This is what happens to a girl who grew up watching her dad build and remodel houses.

So last weekend was spent in the kitchen. Three layers of vinyl flooring with nasty plywood was removed and Eric installed new hardwood floors. I LOVE HIM!!! They are great! Now we just need to put the cabinets back next to the fridge before the new countertops, sink, and faucet are installed next week. I'm the only one in the house who loves the mess.

Nasty subfloor

Eric did a GREAT job on the floor!

We'll post more photos when it is done.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Biker Chick

Elise has wanted to ride a bike all summer. She tried a few times without much success and went back to her trike with some sadness. Maybe she grew, maybe she got a little more coordinated, maybe she had enough Wheaties for breakfast, but today was the day! She was cruising the cul-de-sac this evening with Eric by her side. We all are really proud of her. She was so excited she kept telling the neighbor about her red helmet, then slamming on her brakes and laughing. At the end of the tour, she went inside, got stickers, and put her name on her bike.

Congratulations Elise!

Sipapu Camping

We had a great little camping trip to Sipapu Ski Resort this weekend.
Gus loved camping. He was ready to run around with his sisters.

Adventuresome Maddie crossed the river on a log.

Elise found her own log to cross.

The girls learned how to tie on the fly and spent the whole day with dad in the water fishing.

They put the first catch-of-the-day in their bucket and named him "Beta." They planned to take him home but dad convinced them otherwise.

Gus spent a lot of the day on Eric's back soaking up the river, learning how to fish, and getting a few mosquito bites.

Fireweed?! Am I in Alaska? ;)

I loved the swing at the lodge. It was next to ~20 hummers at four hummingbird feeders. I am turning into my mom...swinging and watching hummingbirds.

Happy little fisherwoman.

Thanks to Eric we ate rainbow trout with our spaghetti dinner. The girls loved fishing with dad all day, but when it came time to fry one up and eat it, things changed. Our brave Maddie said "No way!" but Elise, our new fearless girl, couldn't wait. She loved eating the fish so much that, the next day, when we asked her if she was ready for breakfast, she said "Yes, I want another fish!" Later that morning, Elise had a melt-down and when we finally could understand her, she said she wanted her dad to catch her another fish. He was happy to spend some more time on the Rio Pueblo and catch this one. High Five dad!

Disc golf! We threw some frisbees around a disc golf course few times. The girls LOVED it!

How many marshmellows can you jam in your mouth and say "Chubby Bunny"?
Elise fit 2.

Maddie could fit 3.

Eric stuffed in 7. (I love you!)
Lynn...we ran out of marshmellows...

Here are two great videos from the weekend.

#1: Elise singing about a fish. "Fishy wobbly just like me. Wave your fins from side to side. Swish your tail about really really wide."
#2 Maddie can get Gus laughing like no one else.

Friday, July 18, 2008

"Don't worry Bucky, I'll protect you!"

We have a problem: Bucky is afraid of thunder and it is monsoon season around here. He likes to hide in Gus' bedroom but we keep him out while he naps. So his second choice is the bathroom. We found Elise in there protecting him today. She read him books, covered him with a blanket, and wore her tiara to be brave. Cute!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Body Crayon Afternoon

Watch out for Elise's live crocodiles!

She's bejeweled!

Our Hawaiian Surfer Girl Turns 6!

Maddie had a little luau with friends to celebrate her 6th birthday. We did some coconut bowling, pineapple relays, and limbo. Maddie and Elise did the cake decorating -- chocolate bunnies on fruit leather surfboards and fishy fruit snacks in the ocean. :) I got excited when I found the hula girl in the auto section at the grocery store the day before the party.

How can she already be 6 years old!? She loves to swim, do art projects, swing to the trees, and play with friends. She has a crazy laugh and is a master on the monkey bars. She is a genuine caregiver and a huge help for me -- keeping Gus out of trouble and entertaining Elise.
We love you Maddie!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

There's No Place Like The Midwest!

We had a GREAT two weeks with family and friends in Wisconsin and Minnesota and back in Wisconsin. Thank you to everyone for making time for us, taking care of us, and giving us new midwest memories! We miss you!

Grandma got lots of snuggle time with Gus.

It is so easy to be with cousins!

We drove 6 hours from Milwaukee to Minneapolis and needed to stretch our legs.

Maddie, Elise, Gus, and I got to ride on the beautiful carousel at Como Park just like when I was young. Great memories!

"Private lessons" on Aunt Brook's horse: brushing, leading, riding, and even trotting!

Grandpa and Grandma's swimming pool was super.

It felt great driving Grandma Jeanne's convertible.

Uncles are fun!

Graduating Ali with her biggest fans

BHS Friends. It's been too long!

Elise in Grandma Jeanne's Viking Hat

Dykhuizen family photo after celebrating July birthdays

One last MN adventure on the ATV with Uncle Mark and Ali.

Waterpark at Wisconsin Dells: 24 hours of wet fun with Samantha and Joseph.

Madison! Babcock ice cream, the Terrace, sailboats on Lake Mendota, memories!

Playing with the Diercks and Kohls kids...our girls asked, "Are they our cousins too?"

"Awesome-est" day at the beach with Samantha and Joseph.

Ahhh... Always good times with the Schuerman Family

Fourth of July Cousins (sans napping Gus). Emma and Evan came from New York.

Bathing beauties!

Elise loves her aunties

Samantha, Emma, Maddie: three 6-year-olds who love to see each other every 4th of July

Ovaska Family 4th of July Photo