Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Summer Time with Friends

Group Hug! Isaac, Maddie, Tayra, Kamaya, Elise, Yaris. We spend most days together at the pool and have known their families since the big kids were two (?). The hug will be bigger as soon as the littler ones can join in.

Elise, Yaris, and Kamaya are the younger siblings of Maddie's friends Tayra and Isaac.

Kyle and Riley live in our neighborhood -- Eric and I run with their mom and dad. Maddie likes to be a big sister to Tanner in the middle.

Maddie's "bestest" friend, Tayra. They are both the big sisters and Tayra's mom will have baby #4 any day. They love to swim, share secrets, and ask, "Can we have a playdate today?"

Elise's newest friend, Maya. They have a lot to share with each other -- Elise loves blue, Maya loves pink, Elise loves Dora, Maya loves Cinderella, Elise loves dogs, Maya loves cats. AND yet the same -- they are both three, love to dance, and eat chocolate chip bagels at the local duck pond.

Hanna is one of Maddie's favorite Kindergarten friends. They met on the first day, got really good at the monkey bars together, and had to say "goodbye" this week. Hanna is moving back to Poland with her family tomorrow. Maddie is so sad.

Playing at the neighborhood park with their buddies Kyle and Riley.

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