Friday, November 7, 2008

Remembering Grandma Jeanne

Grandma Jeanne lives on in these angels.

We enjoyed a warm and wonderful October 19th at Bandelier National Monument. We hiked to the ceremonial cave and the kids were just so good. I had a good long cry the night before and so this day was spent smiling at the warm reminders of my mom. She is everywhere.

My mom loved Eric and knew he would take good care of me.
He keeps me laughing!

Look at the warm sunshine on Gus' face!
Grandma is always keeping her light shining on him.

Check out Maddie's ILU hands! :) Just like Grandma used to do!

Grandma Jeanne loved yellow, autumn, and getting out in nature.
Elise has walked ~60 miles this year with her babysitter.
She is a hiker and Grandma would be proud!

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