Friday, January 2, 2009

Santa Pierces Ears

As I mentioned earlier, Maddie asked Santa for pierced ears this Christmas. She told me that every time she wished on a star she asked for pierced ears and it never came true. And she said that the last two birthday wishes were for pierced ears. So this Christmas, she told us, "Santa is magic so I want him to come in the middle of the night and pierce them while I sleep so it wouldn't hurt."

Santa was not able to do that, but he gave her a gift card for Claire's and a note that said, "You have been a big help to your mom and dad. You deserve a special gift. Here is a gift card for the store so you can decide, on your own, when you would like to get them pierced."

Christmas day she said, "I think I'll wait until I'm 8 and a little bigger so it won't hurt." But by the end of the night, she had decided to do it after her cousins' visit.

So she started the new year off with a new look. She has been walking on air today, asking, "Hey, do you notice something different about me?"

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