Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Trying to Catch a Leprechaun

Maddie came home from school a few weeks ago in wild excitement about wanting to catch a leprechaun. A friend from her class and she had decided that they were going to trap one and get his gold. We had Kezia over that afternoon and they worked like mad coming up with ideas on how to trap one of these tricky little guys. Elise got into the fun and over the next few weeks they had babysitters and us helping them with their traps.

On the morning of March 17th, they awoke to find that the leprechaun had indeed come into their traps, but he left a little note that said, "Good Try!" He also turned the toilet bowl and their milk green! He wrote on the bathroom mirror, "You cannot catch me!" The girls decided to return the message for him to know what they thought of him, "You little feeth!!! From:us"

They already have plans for next year's traps!

My mom joined us on St. Patty's Day as we hung her flag.

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