Thursday, June 18, 2009

Finally! Summer Weather!

We finally had a few days of summery, warm weather and we really enjoyed the pool this week with our buddies. The bummer is that the Eidenbenz family will be in Switzerland for 6 weeks and the Ronning family will be only be here for a few weeks this summer in between their trips. The kids made the most of time together swimming, eating freezie pops, and building forts. We are heading back to Minnesota and Wisconsin for two fun-filled weeks and will resume the lazy days of summer in Los Alamos with other pals at the pool when we return.

Shaving Cream Fun

My mom used to let me play with my dad's shaving cream on the kitchen table. The kids had a great time the other day and the table really got clean!

Piano Repairs

My Grandpa Hal's piano is the most important furniture in our living room. We were able to get it two summers ago and I have found time, here and there, to play songs I learned in 6th grade. Maddie had a few lessons with a student of mine this year, but we haven't played it like I would hope we would. Part of the reason is that the dry New Mexico air is cracking the key tops. It is so sad to see this centerpiece of my family's history get old.

We had a piano tuner/repair person come to the house. The good news is that the piano is in great shape for its age and only a little flat. The bad news is the keys are chipping away. After a long time wondering if we should keep it as is with the memories of my grandpa's big fingers playing on those keys, or fix the keys and start a new generation of fingers playing it, I decided my grandfather would rather have it played than looked at.

So off the white keys went to get new tops. The kids LOVED seeing inside the piano and the piano tuner was fantastic about explaining how a piano is made and makes music.

This is the key with the cigarette burn (I think) that makes me remember this piano. I was going to keep it, but decided to let it go. Life is about letting go and letting go and letting go. A photo will keep the memory alive.


Eric's friend from high school came through Los Alamos this weekend and we had a good visit. One of the cool things about Jim, other than his huge, drooling dogs and his funny stories, is that he grew up in Los Alamos before he moved to Wisconsin. There is no "showing him around the area," he knows the area and loves it just like we do. We had a day of hiking and raining and hiking and raining and more raining, along with lots of catching up and time with the dogs. :)

Best Camp Site

The girls and I found the best campsite around. Do you recognize it? :)

We have been hoping to camp for weeks but cool, windy, and rainy weather kept us busy with the things at home. I was bummed so we decided to enjoy s'mores in the backyard after Gus went to bed the other night. Then, the camping fun continued as we brushed our teeth and crawled in a tent outside. It was just the girls and I in the tent and the guys in the house. We laughed and snuggled until we were overcome by the fresh air and fell asleep. At midnight, a magical elf (aka Eric) came out and put the rainfly on when more sprinkles came. I was so thankful for the technology of cell phones and a very understanding husband who was up late watching the new Conan O'Brien show.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

"Coach Dad"

Eric is out with the girls playing tennis. They all were so excited. He ordered a ball hopper and a crazy number of tennis balls (since you cannot buy them in Los Alamos). As they were leaving, Maddie said, "Hey can we call you Coach Dad?"

Elise decided she wants to be Venus and Maddie can be Serena.

Wheelchair Flyer

Maddie found a ladybug yesterday but it must have died overnight. This morning, Elise found it. "Oh it is kind of hard-ish. I think all she needs is a 'wheelchair flyer' to get around." Great idea Elise! :) Just then, Gus came over and pinched the lady bug. CRUNCH! I held my breath...would she get upset? Nope. No crying this time like she did with the Grasshopper. She just asked me to take another picture of the crunched-up wings and said, "I think it was 7 years old."Maybe she is getting more comfortable with the idea of dead bugs.

Rosalina Rose Rose

Please meet Rosalina Rose Rose -- our newest friend around here. I found her on a sidewalk at my student's house when I dropped off belated graduation gift. I gave her to Elise and she named her. Rosalina Rose Rose started in this Tupperware and now lives in the butterfly habitat. Maddie gave her slices of peaches, a water bowl, and many big sticks. We are told to be quiet as we walk into the room because, "She might be ready to make her coccoon."

Car Heaven

Elise got lost in play the other day. All of a sudden Maddie joined in. I asked, "What are you guys making?" Without even looking up, Elise said, "Car Heaven." Everything was cool until Gus screamed, "Car! Truck!" when he realized that his sisters had taking all his vehicles onto the kitchen table.

Reality Check

I am posting this to remember how much laundry we do around here. I swear, there is always a load in the wash or a load in the dryer or a dirty basket near the washer/dryer or a pile on the couch waiting to be folded or a basket full of clean folded clothes ready to the put away or...

I love my life. I love my family. I'm not complaining. Okay, I am complaining.

I love that this is my biggest complaint right now... laundry.

Tree Fort

Eric is the best dad around. He has been on a mission to build the kids a tree house. A few weeks ago he chopped the branches and last weekend, he whipped it together. Maddie was running around the house yelling, "Dad is AWESOME!" :) There are grand plans for a roof, a lower level, clubs like Kit Kittredge, and more.

The tree fort was christened with nachos for lunch and an afternoon of playing squirrels, screaming about who-knows-what, and resting with blankets and pillows.

We all love our backyard and hope to enjoy every minute we can this summer.


Elise, Maddie, and their friend Tayra made a spaceship out a cardboard box that was taking up space in the living room. Eventually, the girls abandoned it and went outside. Later that day, I found Gus happily sitting in it with his juice saying, "Ship. Ship." He is a busy boy and I was surprised to see him just hanging in there for a long time. Cardboard boxes rock!


There is a group of great people in town who are starting their own gymnastics school. In the summer, we prefer to stare at the sky and lose track of time, but we couldn't pass up the chance to support these women as they begin. One of the coaches used to come to Maddie's preschool and she loved her. Once a week, the girls can move their bodies and learn from positive, strong, healthy women.

Underwear Everywhere

Gus is always trying to keep up with his big sisters. His newest thing is wearing their underwear.

While Eric was home with the kids the other day, Maddie was going to the bathroom and so Gus sat on his little potty chair in his clothes. Monkey see, monkey do. When Eric found him a while later, Gus had taken off his diaper, had a little poop in the potty, left little poops all over the floor, and finally ended up in the girls room putting on their underwear! Ha! Ha!

Twilight Camp

Maddie ended her year with Brownies at Twilight Camp. For one week, the girls hang out at an elementary school from 5:30pm-8:30pm and make crafts, learn about being green, sing songs, have a scavenger hunt, and cook their own dinner.

"Grover" (Maddie's camp name) had two Brownie pals sleep over at our house after the last evening of camp.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


We all are starting to decompress from the school year. Sleeping later, building more forts, looking for more butterflies, and just being lazy.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Ballet Recital

Maddie joined Shelby's Ballet class in January. It was a small class of only three 1st graders and they had a ball together. Last weekend, she had the big recital. Unfortunately, one of the three was missing at the rehearsal but they did great anyways. We'll see if the dancing continues now that Shelby is off to college.

Last Days of School

I helped with Maddie's End-of-the-Year party. They made time capsules, signed each other's bandanas, and watched photos of the year. Elise's preschool party was a nice picnic with families (I forgot the camera!). Then we got home and the girls played and played. It is so nice to have free time at home just to hang out and ride on the tire swing.

Mrs. Rust

Memorial Day

We had a Memorial Day BBQ with friends -- the Ronning and the Eidenbenz families. It was a nice way to start summer.

All I Want For Christmas

Maddie lost her other front tooth on Memorial Weekend. We spent the day at graduation parties for our babysitters and it just kept getting wiggler and wiggler. When we got home, she tied a piece of floss around the tooth and it was gone!

Rainy Days

The last week of school was very rainy. We had lots of fun even though we had to wear our rain coats. The kids harassed Bucky (notice that he is wearing little puppies on his head).

Eric made us Spam Musabi for dinner to remember sunny Hawaii.

Maddie played with the umbrella and checked out the birds.

After we tucked them in, we found them asleep on the floor on a pile of pillows. They really, really, really wanted to have a "sleepover" with each other...summer is almost here!

Reading Session

Maddie found her old books from preschool and decided to teach Elise to read the other night. Is this a benefit of having an older sister or the hindrance of having an older sister? It was cute...Elise has been learning her letters and Maddie is a quite the little teacher.