Thursday, June 18, 2009

Piano Repairs

My Grandpa Hal's piano is the most important furniture in our living room. We were able to get it two summers ago and I have found time, here and there, to play songs I learned in 6th grade. Maddie had a few lessons with a student of mine this year, but we haven't played it like I would hope we would. Part of the reason is that the dry New Mexico air is cracking the key tops. It is so sad to see this centerpiece of my family's history get old.

We had a piano tuner/repair person come to the house. The good news is that the piano is in great shape for its age and only a little flat. The bad news is the keys are chipping away. After a long time wondering if we should keep it as is with the memories of my grandpa's big fingers playing on those keys, or fix the keys and start a new generation of fingers playing it, I decided my grandfather would rather have it played than looked at.

So off the white keys went to get new tops. The kids LOVED seeing inside the piano and the piano tuner was fantastic about explaining how a piano is made and makes music.

This is the key with the cigarette burn (I think) that makes me remember this piano. I was going to keep it, but decided to let it go. Life is about letting go and letting go and letting go. A photo will keep the memory alive.

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