Saturday, September 18, 2010

First Stop...Albuquerque!

Road Trip! Off to the midwest we go!
First stop...Albuquerque?!

Our awesome friends from Wisconsin, Brooke and Jeff, also planned a summer road trip for their family of four. The only difference...they headed west. So we decided to meet in Albuquerque at the start of our trips. We swam at a hotel, let the kids watch a movie, and shared a bunch of stories. The next day we hiked at Petroglyph National Monument before we drove our separate ways. What a way to start our trips! It reminded us why we love the midwest -- good people! :)

Madison and Maddie -- 3rd graders to be!

Camryn and Gus -- 2-year-olds who both decided to potty train on the road!

Elise and Ashton -- cool 5-year-olds almost in Kindergarten.

Gus followed 10-year-old Callahan around and copied all his moves.

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