Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

Our happy little Easter kids this morning.
You should have seen them after all the candy!

"Mom! Dad! Wake Up! The Easter Bunny was here!!"

Comparing their stash.

Hey, did you find any eggs for me?

Easter dresses.

Happy Easter to all our family and friends!

Friday, March 21, 2008

First Wiggly Teeth (2 of them at once!)

Maddie has anxiously awaited this moment. It seems like a rite of passage for Kindergarteners. Her big tooth is already pushing its way in so I bet we'll see her two wiggly teeth under her pillow soon.

As Maddie loses her first baby teeth, Gus gets his.
The times they are a-changin'...

Monday, March 17, 2008

Spinning on the New Tire Swing

On Sunday, Eric made the kids a new tire swing in the front yard.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Skiesta and Skiing Highlights

Yesterday was Skiesta, the end-of-the-season celebration at the local ski area. We sat on the deck, enjoyed lunch with friends, danced to the music of a local band, and skied. Eric did the Skin Up/Ski Down race, Maddie did the Teepee race, Elise went up and down with dad, Gus napped in the stroller, I did a couple runs.

Maddie is the little speck coming down the run on the right. :)

The ski area is super family-friendly -- it feels like the being at the ice rink in Minnesota.

This was Elise's first year in skis. She loved riding the chairlift, eating candy, and "skiing" down with dad. This photo was from her first time in the gear. Thanks for the goggles Uncle Mark!

Such determination...

This winter, Eric has done a lot of hiking up to the top with skins on his skis and skiing down. (He's up there right now as I type...) The dogs love it too!

Eric took this at the top of the ski area and it made me smile. Grandma Jeanne always loved a good sunset...

It's been a good season. Enjoy the video of Maddie with her friend Tayra.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Gus, the Bus, is Already 6-Months-Old

March. Six-Months-Old. Gus is a wiggle worm. He rolls across the floor to get what he wants. He loves playing with all his toys in his exersaucer. He grabs for's dinner plate, sister's hair, dad's glasses, Bucky and Chaco's fuzz. He got his first tooth and has been soothing himself by sucking on two middle fingers. As baby #3, he gets lots of love from everyone, extra time to stare at the mobile in his crib, and mama-worry that he is growing up too fast.

Here are some photos of how he has changed...

February. Five-Months-Old. He rolls, squeals, and laughs at his sisters a lot.

January. Four-Months-Old. We love his swirl right in the middle of his forehead. He is an awesome baby, except he wakes up every 2-3 hours every night. Yawn!!

December. Three-Months-Old. He is bigger, sweeter, and smilier!

November. Two-Months-Old. Doesn't he look like cousin Joseph?

October. One-Month-Old. Roar! Thanks for the costume, Ovaska cousins!

September. Newborn. Ahhhh.....

Maddie: Big Sister, Kindergartener, Extra Mama

Maddie is such a big kid. She loves her teacher Mrs. Hopkins, wearing curlers in her hair at bedtime, reading Jack and Annie books, and snow days.

Note the curly hair.
Local family festival face painting before skiing.

Crazy hair day at school.

SNOW DAY!! She really gets it this year!

Elise Turns 3!

Elise celebrated her 3rd birthday -- March 11th! She got a superhero cape with masks and wristbands from mom and dad, a Thomas Train spout protector for the bath from her sister, and a Dora book from her brother.

For our little family celebration, I asked Elise what she would like for birthday dinner, she said, "Ice Cream, Rice, and Tator Tots." And so we had a tasty, starchy meal.

On Sunday, we had her little buddies over for a Dora party with cake, Pin-the-Tail-on-Swiper, and a Dora pinata/candy raid. She was crazy happy!

Here We Go!

Hi Family and Friends!

We have wanted to send you photos of the kiddos but haven't made the time. We are going to try this out. I'll try to keep this blog up-to-date with photos and little messages. The hard part is to figure where to begin... The kids are growing like weeds and our days are full from morning to night. Maybe the best place to start is with a birthday! Enjoy!

We send love from New Mexico,
Lynn, Eric, Maddie, Elise, and Gus