Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Gus, the Bus, is Already 6-Months-Old

March. Six-Months-Old. Gus is a wiggle worm. He rolls across the floor to get what he wants. He loves playing with all his toys in his exersaucer. He grabs for's dinner plate, sister's hair, dad's glasses, Bucky and Chaco's fuzz. He got his first tooth and has been soothing himself by sucking on two middle fingers. As baby #3, he gets lots of love from everyone, extra time to stare at the mobile in his crib, and mama-worry that he is growing up too fast.

Here are some photos of how he has changed...

February. Five-Months-Old. He rolls, squeals, and laughs at his sisters a lot.

January. Four-Months-Old. We love his swirl right in the middle of his forehead. He is an awesome baby, except he wakes up every 2-3 hours every night. Yawn!!

December. Three-Months-Old. He is bigger, sweeter, and smilier!

November. Two-Months-Old. Doesn't he look like cousin Joseph?

October. One-Month-Old. Roar! Thanks for the costume, Ovaska cousins!

September. Newborn. Ahhhh.....

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