Sunday, March 16, 2008

Skiesta and Skiing Highlights

Yesterday was Skiesta, the end-of-the-season celebration at the local ski area. We sat on the deck, enjoyed lunch with friends, danced to the music of a local band, and skied. Eric did the Skin Up/Ski Down race, Maddie did the Teepee race, Elise went up and down with dad, Gus napped in the stroller, I did a couple runs.

Maddie is the little speck coming down the run on the right. :)

The ski area is super family-friendly -- it feels like the being at the ice rink in Minnesota.

This was Elise's first year in skis. She loved riding the chairlift, eating candy, and "skiing" down with dad. This photo was from her first time in the gear. Thanks for the goggles Uncle Mark!

Such determination...

This winter, Eric has done a lot of hiking up to the top with skins on his skis and skiing down. (He's up there right now as I type...) The dogs love it too!

Eric took this at the top of the ski area and it made me smile. Grandma Jeanne always loved a good sunset...

It's been a good season. Enjoy the video of Maddie with her friend Tayra.

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