Thursday, April 24, 2008

Eric Rocks the Boston Marathon

The Boston Marathon! Phenomenal!
Check it out at Boston Marathon

The girls attacked Eric on Tuesday afternoon after we returned from the marathon. They were so proud of him -- making him pictures and writing him notes. They wore his medal and said, "I can't believe you won, dad!" :)

Here is a summary of it all:

Saturday Night: After Maddie's old babysitter, Betty, arrived for a sleep over, we got the kids in bed. We rushed around to finish our packing and tried to get some sleep. Our flight was at 6am so we left Los Alamos at 3am. The girls spent the rest of the time with good friends, the Eidenbenz family, and Elise's babysitter, Sandy.

Sunday: After smooth flying, we arrived in Boston at 2pm, dropped off our bags in our hotel room on the 17th floor overlooking the finish line, and the fun began.

Eric checked in at the Expo. He got his bib number -- 6295, picked up his t-shirt, and soaked up the energy from all the runners. We also registered our cell phone to get updates as he ran so I could see his pace and estimate when he would finish.

Gus and I "ran" with four time winner, Robert Cheruiyot. He finished this year's race in 2 hours and 7 minutes. Can you believe that!? He ran a 4 minute 53 second pace for 26 miles!!! Wild!

That evening we took the T (subway) to the pre-race dinner and smashed in a car with a zillion Red Sox fans. The Red Sox played Sunday and Monday.

A great sunset out our hotel window inspired us before we went to sleep Sunday night.
Grandma Jeanne seems to find us wherever we go...

Gus was a great sport during the whole trip. He slept on my back, ate when we stopped moving, and loved to look around at all the sights and people.

Monday, April 21st: RACE DAY!
Start Time: 10:00am
22,375 runners
26.2 miles
From: Hopkinton
Through: Ashland-Framingham-Natick-Wellesley-Newton-Brookline
To: Boston

Eric left the hotel room at 6am to catch the bus at Boston Commons. It was an hour ride out to the start where he ate food and met veteran runners who had done Boston several times. He was put into the 6th corral and started ~3 minutes after the gun went off.

Gus and I watched the official start on TV before we jumped on the T. Gus was a trooper on my back as we rode out to mile 16.8 in hopes of seeing Eric run by. The subway was packed with other people cheering on family and friends. Even though we couldn't move, we met some great people as we rode.

When we got off, we were able to get right to the edge of the course just as Eric was coming. I had received text messages as he crossed the 10K and Half Marathon spots so we knew when he would run past. He was keeping a fast pace and it was so exciting!! When we saw Eric, we yelled as loud as we could but there were so many people Eric didn't see us. He had a huge smile on his face so we knew he was having a great race.

Eric said he tried to get as many high-fives from little kids along the course as he could. It was amazing how many people were handing out water, holding signs, and energizing him. The girls at Wellesey College could be heard 1/2 mile before he arrived. He even said the infamous Heartbreak Hill was fine. He didn't have one complaint about the day.

Gus and I rode the T back to the finish line just in time to see him again.

Is that Eric in the yellow? It was so crowded, noisy, and exciting on the last stretch.

After seeing a bunch of yellow shirts, Eric came around the corner! The finish was just down the street from this photo.
He did it!
3 hours 27 minutes 7 seconds.
He was 5,851 out of the 21,963 who finished it.
He was the 17th New Mexican to cross the finish line.

We met up at the designated area for family members at letter O on the corner of Clarendon and St. James. Eric looked great in his thermal blanket. We told stories of the last few hours as he ate food and hobbled over to watch runners cross the finish line. This definitely was a major life event! I am so proud of him and inspired.

After showers and rest back at the hotel, we celebrated Monday night with Fish-N-Chips at an Irish Pub near the finish line and ice cream on Newbury street. What a FANTASTIC day! We fell in love with Boston and will forever remember the 112th Boston Marathon!

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