Sunday, September 28, 2008

Grandparents Give the Best Love

We just had 8 great days with them -- first, Grandma Inez and then, Grandpa Les & Grandma Sandy. We have awesome grandparents but, since we live in New Mexico, it is hard to bond with them. When they visit, they get extra love and hugs.

First, Grandma Inez came for almost a week. She was a lifesaver -- watching Gus and Elise while I worked, being the extra lap we so often need, and just enjoying the beautiful weather with the kids. There is nothing better than to show Grandma how you ride your bike or how you color in the lines or what you like to buy at the farmer's market. Thank you Grandma! We love you!

The day Grandma Inez left, Grandpa Les and Grandma Sandy arrived! They came just in time to see Maddie in the Homecoming parade. We had good meals together and lots of chatting. The girls loved to read books with them. We miss you guys!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Big Boy

What a wonderful one-year-old!

He has new trucks to play with and loves to push them back and forth.

He climbs into anything. He loves a basket of clean or dirty clothes.

Wagon with Love

We got a free old wagon with rotten wood and Eric replaced the boards. He turned it into a fabulous ride for Gus' birthday. The kids LOVE it!

Garden Harvest

Elise decided to harvest the garden this weekend all by herself! Ohhhhhh! She proudly had a bowl of tiny peppers and green tomatoes! Well, what are you going to do? We pulled the one cucumber and the carrots and made a fancy, tasty, fresh, homemade salad and enjoyed every bite. She said she'll wait for the tomatoes to turn red next year.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Gus!

Gus turns 1 today!

He is a great little man and a busy, busy boy.
He is ready to run. He has everyone hold his hands and walk around the house. He loves to "talk" and has mastered all the versions of my name -- the standard "Mama," the short and sweet "Mom," and the long and sing-songy "Mommmy." Despite all of his smiles and cutey-ness, we have to protect him from himself. He is a houdini as he works himself out of all the straps of the stroller or high chair. He loves to play inside/outside with the doggie door. He loves to ring all of Grandma Jeanne's bells. He gives lots of his dinner to his new best friends, Bucky and Chaco.

We love you Gus and are so glad you joined our family one year ago today.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Grandmas Live On

My mom's mom, Grandma Jan, was an artsy gal. She loved ceramics and making us little knick-knacks when we were kids. I'll never forget her goofy jewelry and dyed black hair. When I birdwatch or feel the need to accessorize or try to be creative, I think "Grandma Jan lives!" My favorite creation of hers was an African Violet pot. My mom always kept it in the living room with a soft, blooming, purple African Violet. When my mom died, it was one of those material things I felt especially connected to.

After my mom's funeral, I bought myself an African Violet at the local resale store and waited for the chance to get my Grandma's pot. Well, as you know, it has been almost 3 years since my mom passed away and we have not been able to get the pot. I have struggled with this -- lying awake, thinking about that African Violet pot and all it symbolized. After Gus was born, I realized that life was moving on and I wanted to move on too. I wanted to take a ceramics class and make my own pot, but, with three kids, I just haven't found the time to do that.

Then I found a website of an artist in California who makes beautiful African Violet pots, The Perfect Violet Pot, and I decided it was time...
Time to let go of my Grandma's homemade pot.
Time to give my 3-year-old African Violet a real home.
Time to let go of the desire to get into the house.
Time to move forward into the future.

The pot looks just like the one my Grandma Jan made.
More letting go. More peace.

Camping with the Bees

We wanted to get in one more camping trip since the next few weekends will be busy with Gus' birthday and visits from grandparents. We went into the Jemez with the Prices and there was a strange infestation of bees. They loved the kids and our food, so we ate in the van and at the local burger joint. After the bees went to bed, we were able to enjoy popcorn around the campfire and get some sleep -- sorta.