Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Gus!

Gus turns 1 today!

He is a great little man and a busy, busy boy.
He is ready to run. He has everyone hold his hands and walk around the house. He loves to "talk" and has mastered all the versions of my name -- the standard "Mama," the short and sweet "Mom," and the long and sing-songy "Mommmy." Despite all of his smiles and cutey-ness, we have to protect him from himself. He is a houdini as he works himself out of all the straps of the stroller or high chair. He loves to play inside/outside with the doggie door. He loves to ring all of Grandma Jeanne's bells. He gives lots of his dinner to his new best friends, Bucky and Chaco.

We love you Gus and are so glad you joined our family one year ago today.

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