Sunday, September 28, 2008

Grandparents Give the Best Love

We just had 8 great days with them -- first, Grandma Inez and then, Grandpa Les & Grandma Sandy. We have awesome grandparents but, since we live in New Mexico, it is hard to bond with them. When they visit, they get extra love and hugs.

First, Grandma Inez came for almost a week. She was a lifesaver -- watching Gus and Elise while I worked, being the extra lap we so often need, and just enjoying the beautiful weather with the kids. There is nothing better than to show Grandma how you ride your bike or how you color in the lines or what you like to buy at the farmer's market. Thank you Grandma! We love you!

The day Grandma Inez left, Grandpa Les and Grandma Sandy arrived! They came just in time to see Maddie in the Homecoming parade. We had good meals together and lots of chatting. The girls loved to read books with them. We miss you guys!

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