Sunday, October 19, 2008

3 Years Ago Today

Sunset. October 19, 2005. Annandale, Minnesota.

It was my mom's best and last goodbye.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Grandpa Hal Would Be Proud

Today, October 16th, is a special day. My mom's dad, Grandpa Hal, was born today in 1913. 95 years ago a wonderful spirit joined the world. Grandpa Hal was full of life and love and laughter. He volunteer at the VA hospital, smoked like mad, took naps, played golf like a pro, drank Scotch, wore white dress shoes, and was the life of a party if a piano was in the room. He played piano by ear and, with his big ol' sausage fingers, would take requests and play until everyone had heard their favorite song. I have many memories of times with him, sitting at his piano, watching him go, wondering if I could do that someday.

I miss that energy and yet I am blessed to have his piano of 40+ years. Last year, my brothers took it in a U-Haul trailer to my aunt and uncle's house in Rapid City, South Dakota and we took it back to Los Alamos. It now lives in the middle of our living room and I, from time to time, find a song I can still play. Although it is old and showing wear from the travels, it is the best piece of furniture in our home.

As my mom used to say, "We come full circle." Maddie had her first piano lesson yesterday from one of my students and we are talking about starting piano lessons. Elise regularly sings "Yankee Doodle" or "Do, a Deer,..." as she plays. Now Gus loves to stand at the keys and play.

Grandpa Hal taught me to enjoy a good walk on the golf course and to love music, but, most importantly, to live life. I hope I can share those things with my own kids.

Here's to Grandpa Hal!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

New Pets

Maddie and Elise were super sisters the other day so Eric rewarded them. They went to the store together and picked out a new art project. Today was Maddie's 1/2 day of school so they spent the afternoon together, wearing their paint shirts and creating their new friends.
"Polka Dots, Buggy, Starry, Banana Bones, Banana, Dora"


Elise wanted to post her photo from today. She wrote the title and the caption. Her first blogging! :) You should have seen her looking for the letters on the keyboard.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Dad = Fun

Pagosa Springs Trip

We spent a night in Pagosa Springs with Elise and Gus' babysitter, Sandy, and and her husband, Paul. Sandy is fabulous with children -- I teach without any worries of the kids because she loves them like her own grandchildren. Their three grown children live out-of-state so they adopted us. Paul is a mechanic at the neighborhood gas station and has fixed our Subaru a bunch. They invited us to stay at their house in Pagosa Springs, Colorado. We were there when the weather changed from summer-y to winter-y so we spent much of the time inside, but the kids had a blast with a fire in the fireplace and puzzles on the counter.

During one of our short, windy, cold hikes, Elise caught a butterfly who was about to "hibernate" for the winter. She held it in her hands the whole way back, in the car, and then into the house.

Goodbye Warm Fall Days

We have had some of the most beautiful fall days this year -- temperatures in the 60s and 70s with amazing colors in the mountains. As we go about our regular day-to-day activities in town, I am in awe of the mountainside. The Aspens have filled in the burnt trees and created magnificant views. I am still amazed we live in such a beautiful place.

Eric took this photo on his hike/run up Santa Fe Baldy last weekend. I took Elise and Gus on a hike up at the ski hill last week with friends (forgot the camera) and it was glorious.I just kept saying, "Those trees, that color, this day, the beauty, ridiculous."

The kids have been playing in the leaves with the neighbors in the afternoons. I cannot help but think of my mom and her love of yellow, orange, red colors of the fall. It really her season and she has made it a marvelous one around here.

Friday Night is Movie Night

Just like when I was a kid, our family is now having pizza and pop (aka soda) for dinner, getting into our pjs, and watching a movie on Friday night. It feels so great to relax with the kids after a week of school, life, and activities. And Gus loves to steal everyone's popcorn.

This last Friday we watched "Alvin and the Chipmunks"
(Maddie's ***** recommendation).

P.S. Yet another moment of me becoming my mom...

Check out the Moon

Eric set up the telescope the other night before the cold weather came. The kids put on their jammies and we were able to see the moon and its craters.

Check out this neat picture Eric took through the lens.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Maddie's First Swim Meet

Maddie participated in her first swim meet on Sunday. It was very exciting to watch her and all the older kids hoping to look like Michael Phelps :) She did the freestyle and the backstroke with 4 other kids from her group. Elise was a great sport for hanging at the pool for 2 hours. She and Eric discovered all sorts of things in the aquatic center, except a TV to watch the Packer game (Eric wasn't so sad in the end!). Gus napped on my back and missed a lot of it. I remember being at a lot of hockey games as a little sister, playing under the bleachers and making new friends. I'm not sure we are ready for this but Maddie loved it and we are headed off to practice tonight again...

Elise starts swim lessons on Monday. She cannot wait to wear her new swim cap. Hee hee!

Here Comes the Band!

We had a great time at the Homecoming parade last week.

Maddie rode on her first float for the swim team with her best friend, Tayra. Elise got a lot of candy with her best buddy, Yaris and his brother Lyas. And Gus did a lot of clapping!