Thursday, October 16, 2008

Grandpa Hal Would Be Proud

Today, October 16th, is a special day. My mom's dad, Grandpa Hal, was born today in 1913. 95 years ago a wonderful spirit joined the world. Grandpa Hal was full of life and love and laughter. He volunteer at the VA hospital, smoked like mad, took naps, played golf like a pro, drank Scotch, wore white dress shoes, and was the life of a party if a piano was in the room. He played piano by ear and, with his big ol' sausage fingers, would take requests and play until everyone had heard their favorite song. I have many memories of times with him, sitting at his piano, watching him go, wondering if I could do that someday.

I miss that energy and yet I am blessed to have his piano of 40+ years. Last year, my brothers took it in a U-Haul trailer to my aunt and uncle's house in Rapid City, South Dakota and we took it back to Los Alamos. It now lives in the middle of our living room and I, from time to time, find a song I can still play. Although it is old and showing wear from the travels, it is the best piece of furniture in our home.

As my mom used to say, "We come full circle." Maddie had her first piano lesson yesterday from one of my students and we are talking about starting piano lessons. Elise regularly sings "Yankee Doodle" or "Do, a Deer,..." as she plays. Now Gus loves to stand at the keys and play.

Grandpa Hal taught me to enjoy a good walk on the golf course and to love music, but, most importantly, to live life. I hope I can share those things with my own kids.

Here's to Grandpa Hal!

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