Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Goodbye Grandpa and Grandma in Arizona

We just returned from one last weekend in Arizona with Grandpa Les and Grandma Sandy. After 11 years in Sun City Grand , they will be moving back to Minnesota to be closer to family. My dad's MS has progressively gotten worse and it will be easier for them in the Twin Cities. As we drove the 9+hours there, Eric and I reminisced about all our AZ visits with them. We enjoyed their first house on Silver Breeze Drive without kids, discovering the White Tank mountains, working out with everyone at the fitness center, and taking Bucky on walks through the empty lots of the developing community. When we had kids, they moved to their current house on Hawthorn Drive and we played at the pool more, found the zoo down the road, and got familiar with the area playgrounds. The girls loved sleeping on their airbeds and riding their scooters on the patios. We routinely came for Thanksgiving and felt close to family. In the mornings, we would enjoy breakfast, the newspaper, and conversation and in the evening we enjoyed many card games and bowls of popcorn and ice cream. Each visit, Eric would hope to get to In-N-Out Burger (see photo) and the White Tanks for a long run, I would hope to visit a lot with my dad and wear sandals without socks, and the girls hoped to pick grapefruit and swim until the guards said it was time to get out of the pool. We couldn't believe at how many of our trips included one of the kids getting sick and this time was no exception. Gus got a stomach bug and now my dad and Sandy are dealing with it. We hope our good memories outweigh the sicknesses and we want them to know how much we loved having them near. We will miss them in Arizona but look forward to new Minnesota adventures.

In-N-Out Burger 4 X 4 -- 4 patties, 4 slices of cheese

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