Saturday, May 16, 2009

50 Miles!

Eric had a great day! He woke up at 4am, ate breakfast, put on his running shoes and headlamp, and ran 50 miles!! Crazy man!

He just completed his first ultramarathon at the Jemez Mountain Trail Run - 50 miles with 12,000 feet in elevation change in 11 hours and 53 minutes. We are so proud of him. He has been in bed ever since we got home at 6pm.

This was taken at the aide station at the local ski hill lodge - Mile 36. He looked great. I didn't know if we'd see him, but the kids and I piled in the van and went up there. As the kids walked up the steps to the deck, Eric arrived! One of the aide workers/friend said, "KISMET! You were destined to met up!"

We got to give him high fives and wish him well for the last 14 miles!Gus loved clapping for the runners.

Just steps from the end of 12 hours of running...

Check out Elise cheering on the sidelines as her dad finished! And she has no idea how far 50 miles is!

We all are so proud of him!

1 comment:

Sarah Duffy said...

The Duffys