Sunday, July 5, 2009

Marvelous Minnesota

The kids and I were able to squeeze every minute out of a week in the midwest. We started in Wisconsin, drove to Minnesota, and returned quicker than planned to Wisconsin when we learned about Eric's surgery.

Minnesota was marvelous, mosquito-y, and memory-filled. We enjoyed: rides at the Mall of America, special dolls and stuffed animals, Aunt Brook's horses, Grandpa and Grandma's new house, sprinklers, camping with Uncle Steve, catching fireflies, roasting s'mores, the DQ, the jet ski with Cara and her family, Wii with Brandon, the lake with Ali, Uncle Mark's new dog, a visit to the house I grew up in.

What a big event! We go to a mall about once a year so THE Mall of America was mind-blowing.

At the end of the school year, we told Elise that we would get her a Build-A-Bear for doing a great job in preschool. She made "Star" - a 4th of July puppy. She sang her the "Star Spangle Banner" as she was stuffed and then carried her around the rest of the trip.

Since last fall, Maddie and I have been reading some American Girl stories. We told her if she was reading well by summer, we'd get her a historical doll for her 7th birthday.

After lots of searching, Maddie chose the 70s doll named Julie. She told us she picked her because "my aunt is named Julie, I love sports and so does Julie, I look like Julie, I want to save animals like Julie, and I want to know what it is like to have divorced parents since one of my friends from school's parents are divorced."

You wouldn't believe this experience! Crazy! You can get the doll's hair styled! You can buy matching clothes! We did NOT do these things. We were overwhelmed but it was the other planned stop at the Mall of America. We found out that kids eat free on Tuesdays so Uncle Steve met us for dinner at the American Girl Bistro with "Julie" and "Star." You should have seen Steve's face! :)

Everyone agreed this "American Girl" was the cutest!

We've never been to Disneyland or the local amusement park. This really was awe-some for the kids!

Elise couldn't wait to meet Dora. But after her hug, she said, "That's not the real Dora. There is a person inside." :) It was Gus who couldn't stay away from Dora! We went back many times for another hug or a high five.

Uncle Steve scored big points as he rode on Blue's Skidoo, the Balloon Race, Dora's Ferris Wheel, and Maddie's first real roller coaster.

Steve and Maddie bonded as they went together on this scary up-side down, inside-out ride. I held my breath and prayed that I would see happy smiles as they turned the corners. Maddie loved it and I'm sure this will forever be a big moment for them!

Grandpa Les and Grandma Sandy moved the week we were there. No photos as the furniture was halued and new flooring was put in but we did enjoy the DQ with Grandpa and Grandma. Hard to believe I worked at a DQ 20 years ago!

We stopped at the Riverwood, where Eric and I got married. We have a kissing photo of us in this same spot 12 years ago.

Aunt Brook gave the kids a chance to brush, feed, and ride horses. Gus was mesmerized and surprisingly unafraid. The girls loved it!

Beach and lake fun with Ali who is enjoying the adventures of college now. Time flies!

Brandon helped Elise beat Maddie in tennis.

Dykhuizen Cousins

The fireflies were cruising and we caught two in a jar. What a cool nightlight as they slept in the tent with Uncle Steve.

Uncle Steve borrowed a HUGE tent, set up the air bed, and slept with the girls. He even helped Maddie get back in the house at 3am. Brook and Steve gave the kids some great Minnesota memories.

A hot and humid afternoon on the lake with the Ottos and grandparents felt great. They spoiled us with treats and jet ski rides. It was great for me to see the girls loving the lake like I did as a kid.

We miss you Uncle Hedgehog (aka Doctor Steve)!

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