Sunday, July 5, 2009

Wonderful Wisconsin

Wisconsin was wonderful, warm, and wet! We started and ended the trip in Milwaukee with non-stop cousin fun. Aunt Julie made sure this was a good visit! Thanks for EVERYTHING!

We enjoyed: an afternoon on Lake Michigan, fairy shows, Gus learning how to somersault, strawberry picking with Grandma, water slide giggling, art camp, tennis, playgrounds, smoke bombs, sparklers, Samantha's dance recital, Maddie's birthday with Grandma, the zoo, and lots of love from Aunt Julie, Uncle Jerry, and Grandma Inez!

There was a lot of rehearsal for the "Five Chapters" show about the Fall, Winter, and Summer Fairies' search for the Spring Fairy. (Gus was the Spring Fairy's boyfriend!)

Did we eat as many strawberries as we picked?

You have to love the water fun and laughing in the backyard!

Maddie (NM) and her cousins Samantha (WI) and Emma (NY) all just finished 1st grade. It is so great to see how the cousins just settle into being together even though we don't get to be together often. We didn't get to see Emma and her brother Evan this year because of Eric's surgery. :( We assume there would have even more great memories to be made.

Gus crawled right into Grandma's lap. Then, Grandma and the kids relaxed on the couch.

Maddie was fortunate to join Samantha and her pal Kyle at art camp and tennis lessons. She LOVED it!

We can always count on Uncle Jerry for fireworks fun!

There is nothing better than hanging with your cousins. The hand holding says so much.

Grandma got to show Gus all around the zoo, one of Eric's favorite spots. We called him and it made us all miss each other more! We were headed out on an 8am flight the next morning. Thanks for all the rides, Julie!

Grandma is always good! Maddie has worn those new socks three times already!

Gus did a good job keeping up with the big cousins.

Since we returned to WI sooner than planned, we were able to see Samantha's dance recital. She was a tapping machine!

Does Gus look like cousin Joseph?
He couldn't say, "Joseph" so Gus called him "Ryan" all week. :)

Maddie loved her first cheese curds (aka Squeezy Cheese).

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