Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Bike Mechanic

My bike was in the lawn the other day and Gus loved playing with the wheels and pedals. It was a real fascination I have never seen in the girls. He loved spinning the wheels and seemed to be trying to figure out the mechanics.

I know...what a stereotypical observation of a boy, but he does things differently than Maddie and Elise. I remember, before I had kids, I would say, "When I have kids, I'll treat them the same regardless of their gender and they won't be girly or tough boys, just kids." But now I realize that some of those things must be pre-programmed. I am amazed at how many times they act steoreotypically like their gender. When Maddie and Elise were really little, they would put things on their arms or necks like jewelry. Gus loves to swing sticks and spin bike tires. Perhaps I treat them differently now that I am just being a mom and not analyzing every decision, but there is something that makes them different. Does it matter? Nope. But I cannot deny that they are already who they are, I'm just along for the ride.

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