Saturday, November 21, 2009


We have three "empty" houses next to us. Sid, our next door neighbor, moved into a nursing home. The family in the house next to Sid's just moved to CA. The house next to them just sold after the a few months of no one living there. The backyard are quiet and so it the street now that the kids in the other houses are back in school. In the last month, we have discovered we have new neighbors...

We are not sure how many live there, but many mornings we have opened the front door to be greeted by the Papa with his huge antlers. They look at us, we look at them and we both say, "Hey, what are you doing here?" Sometimes I race for the camera, but I never get them right there. They gracefully hop through the cul de sac and through the other "empty" house of Kay who also just moved to a nursing home. Eric and the kids were startled the other day when they almost walked right into the buck as he snacked on apples from Sid's backyard. We welcome them, but Bucky and Chaco are grouchy at nights as they protect us from the neighborhood intruders.

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