Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Happy Halloween!

Mr. Bones

Mariposa, the Barbie Fairy

Heather, the Violet Fairy (from the Rainbow Fairy books)

Gorilla and Banana

The kids joked, "Knock, knock! Whose there? Banana. Banana, who? Knock, knock! Whose there? Banana. Banana, who?..."

The kids got a chance to trick-or-treat downtown Los Alamos on Friday night and around neighborhoods on Saturday night. Two nights and A LOT of candy!

Check out Maddie's face. "Does she have more than me?"

Maddie's teacher and her husband put a fireman's pole in their house when their five children were young. She invites her class over to slide down the pole on Halloween night. Maddie went down "a zillion times" and it was "AWESOME!" Elise, Gus, and Banana mom even got a chance!

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