Monday, September 21, 2009

Gotta Love A Small Town

I was driving down the road the other morning with Elise and Gus, and I was feeling bad. It was rainy and I was lonesome for "the good ol' days." As I listened to the UW Marching Band tape that I gave my mom years ago, I was thinking about the fun fall days watching Badger football. Then I thought, "What are we doing living in this nerdy town of scientists? I'm not a nerdy scientist. We have been in Los Alamos for 10 years and we love our life, especially all the people in our lives, but is this THE place for us?"

After ~1 minute of driving and thinking like this, we were at our destination (there is no commuting in our town) -- the local hardware store. I needed to get a lightbulb. The same friendly faces who have helped us over the years with home improvement, paint, birdseed, toilet parts, etc. showed us the aisle with the lightbulbs. As we checked out, the man who helped us said, "I just made a big box into a playhouse. You can have it. I'll help you get it in your car so your kids can play in it this afternoon." :)

Enough complaining, Lynn! I love living here. A grumpy, rainy day's errand turned into a magical imagination-filled afternoon. Elise and Gus ate their lunch in the playhouse. Maddie spent her after-school time in the playhouse. And I spent the rest of my day smiling at my kids, their new home, and what a great small town I live in. Los Alamos is full of wonderful people who know each other and care. I just needed a little perspective.

Thanks to the generous hardware store worker and his box who changed my day!

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