Sunday, September 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Gus!

September 10th. Wow! Our baby is not a baby anymore!

How old are you Gus?

Poor child #3! We really love him and he had a great birthday on September 10th, but I'm slow to blog --I'm back at school! We sure celebrated him though.

On his real birthday, he spent the morning with Sandy walking and puzzling. After lunch with Elise, I joined them for ice cream and cookies (with a candle for everyone to blow out). After dinner, Sandy and Paul came over for cake and opening gifts from family. THANKS!

It was a treat to watch Gus open his presents -- such pure excitement and curiosity.

The next night we had friends over for pizza and cake. It was sweet to hear all the little people playing in the backyard and everyone got Gus some good boy toys! THANK YOU!

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