Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Giving Thanks for Family

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving week in Wisconsin with Eric's family this year! The kids had a spectacular time with cousins, Samantha and Joseph. We miss you so...

Off we go...

Gus was a great traveler and LOVED his Diego backpack. This was taken at ~7am after we woke the kids at 5am for the drive to the airport. Check out his hair! :)

It took just 2 seconds for the kids to settle back into playing together! :) Ahh...cousins rock!

Joseph was the big brother to everyone!

Gus discovered the swords right away and carried them with him the entire visit!

The middle daughters! Both Elise and Grandma have an older sister and a younger brother. Sometimes, only Grandma understands...

Maddie and Elise were able to go to Samantha's school one day for recess and lunch. Maddie thought it was very cool to compare her school to Samantha's school.


Gus was fascinated by Grandma's laundry chute. He loved to look down it and yell, "Grandma! Where are you?"

It wouldn't be a trip to Wisconsin without a day at the zoo! :) Even in the cold rain, it was fun!

The cats were very active. Eric got this leopard to growl right in the window by sacrificing small children. :)

One of the zookeepers gave Elise this red ball to move around and the lions went wild trying to "play" with her. We were thankful for the thick glass!

Samantha checks Uncle Eric's baby! :)

Eric put in quarters for the massaging chairs and the kids had a great laugh!

Uncle Jerry, Eric, and the kids had homemade boat races in the bathtub. They made the boats with paper cups and moved them as they blew air into sails with straws.

Spaghetti Tacos! A new favorite! Samantha got the idea from iCarly so we had to try it out.

The girls LOVED the Wii!

We enjoyed celebrating Grandma's 77th birthday! All she wanted was time together with everyone, making pasties. :) It was really nice!

Everyone helped make the pasties -- chopping onions (nice googles, Julie!), cutting potatoes and carrots, making dough, folding it all together, ...

Even the girls got a chance to make one.

Gus loved to wear Eric's new Green Bay hat!

Thanksgiving dinner was very tasty -- the kids fought over the gravy. Gus was a mess the whole dinner but there was lots to be thankful for, especially family!

Eric and Gus checked the Packers score over and over on Thanksgiving.

After dinner, the kids got to decorate Grandma's Christmas tree and put out her houses! What a good trip!

Every day was jam-packed with fun and every time we drove in the car, Gus would pass out!

As we boarded the 9pm flight home, the pilots invited all the kids to sit in the drivers seat! They loved it, but I was very nervous with Gus and all those cool buttons! He did great and it was a smooth flight! Ahh...

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