Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Vacation at Home

We are spending winter break in our PJs. It has been great to sleep a lot, play a lot, watch a lot of movies, build a lot of fires, and just plain take it easy.

We all need the rest and relaxation, but it is really good for Eric. His mono is a huge bummer. We have learned a lot about adult mono now and talked to a few others who have had it. Prognosis varies for everyone but it seems to last 6-9 months for adults because older bodies have a harder time with illnesses compared to teenagers. I think the real reason it lasts so long is that adults have more responsibilities and cannot get the needed rest to recover. There is no treatment for mono other than to sleep a lot, eat well, and take it easy.

It is really terrible for such an active person like Eric, but we are making our house a good place to -- just be.

Thanks Uncle Steve for the crazy fort building kit. What do you think of their first creation?

We have had lots of lego creations!

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