Friday, March 26, 2010

Outdoor Bed

We have had a lot of snow this year. No complaints since it tends to melt quickly and it is fun to play in. We love the seasons and are thankful to live somewhere that gets each one for the right amount of time. But...we are all itching for green grass, sunshine, and no boots. We had a few really nice days this week.

On this particular one, I was home in house doing the mom thing -- working on the taxes, cleaning the kitchen, figuring out dinner, folding clothes, ... I looked out the window to get Gus for his afternoon nap and I found this.

He had taken the tablecloth from the patio table and made a bed. He had brought out his blankie, his favorite stuffed animal, a pillow, and some books. When I asked him what he was doing, he said, "Rest time, mommy!" Then he snuggled up and patted the space next to him and said, "Come on, mommy. Read to me." :) I just couldn't say no to that! We rested on his outdoor bed and read his books, but he said, "It's too bright. Go in the house." So we brought it all in his room for nap time.

These are the precious moments that slip away and why I knew it was time for me to update the blog again! :) Happy Spring Everyone!

Moab Half Marathon

My buddy Kelly and I snuck away for the weekend to run the Moab Half Marathon again this year. I was not well prepared having only run 8 miles twice and sporadically since January but we did it! It was a great break from the rat race of motherhood. A nap, a hot tub soak, a massage, a pedicure, a dinner out just to talk, a long uninterrupted night's sleep, a lot of chatting in the car. Perfect! Ahhh...Thanks friend!

Gymanstics Show

The girls have been in the new gymnastics program, High Flyers, since summer and love it! They had their first show to demonstrate all that they have learned. We are very supportive of these good coaches/moms who love kids and gymnastics!

Elise's very first medal! She was psyched and brought it to preschool for show-and-tell!

No Little Man Caught

The kids were very upset that they didn't catch a leprechaun at school or at home this year. But those little buggers turned the toilet green and their milk green! Good thing I had gotten some Lucky Charms to have for breakfast! Really...can you eat anything else with green milk?

Leprechaun Trap

Maddie worked really hard on her leprechaun trap this year. All second graders make one to try and trap a leprechaun at school. It has to include "a machine" like a pulley. She had a week to come up with a plan, try it out, and make it work. She and Eric talked about all sorts of options, they messed with pulleys and sticks and ropes and blocks and tinkertoys. In the end, a box, a few tinker toys, a block and a pulley worked.

Then she found the extra green felt from the artsy closet and some pipecleaners. I picked up the confetti and sparkle stickers for some decoration. It was an exciting St. Patty's Day for her! We didn't get around to making a trap at year!

Delivering Cookies

It was very cold this year as Maddie delivered her Girl Scout cookies! We hope you enjoyed them!

Friendship Birthday Party

Elise wanted to celebrate her friends at her birthday party.

They made friendship bracelets.

They traced their hands and put them all over the Friendship Tree.

They worked together with a friend to carry balloon. "No hands!"

And they made little people that looked like themselves and put them in Elise's cake.

A circle of friends!

She is so thankful for Abby, Emma, Hannah, Kamaya, Maya, Nora, Nyla, Violet, and Yaris!
And Sandy and Paul too!

Happy Birthday Elise!

My little Elise turned 5 on March 11th! Wow! She had a great day -- Corn Pops for breakfast, celebrating with cupcakes at preschool with friends, a little party with Sandy and Paul after lunch, a special dinner (her choice) of Salmon, Rice, bread, and strawberries, AND gifts from family!

Making Birthday Cupcakes

Ahhh...Skiing as a Family

It has been a great snow year, but we haven't been in it as much as we might have liked. We decided to have one last day at the ski area as a family. It felt SO good to be up there with Eric!!! The kids had a blast with him. I cannot wait for more years skiing together as a family!

Goodbye Friend!

One of Maddie's school friends just moved back to Germany. Anke and Maddie have been in the same class every year and so Maddie was feeling sad. She wanted to have a little going-away party for her. It turned into a big wonderful surprise with 10 second grade girls. I was impressed that those chatty little girls didn't say anything for a whole week and kept it a surprise.

The girls were bubbling with excitement before she arrived -- planning where to hide, what to say, how to make it really good,...


She had no idea and was very sweet!

The girls ate lunch, made special gifts for her, decorated t-shirts, and played outside in the warm sunshine.

Paper Dolls

Elise, Gus, and I made paper dolls for Elise's birthday invitations. This was our first attempt and it was very fun to try different shapes --boys, girls, snowpeople.

As Elise decorated, Gus made his people special by cutting off all their heads. :) It is so fun (and new) to have his wacky boy energy in the house.

First for Gus, Last for the Year

We went ice skating one last time the night before the rink closed. It was just us and three middle schoolers. It was very fun since it was the first time Gus came out on skates. He loved it as long he was able to hold on to us. We are so lucky to live in New Mexico and have outdoor ice from November through February!

Grandma Jeanne's Sunset

I have felt lots of my mom lately since Bucky died and Eric hasn't been feeling well. She gave us a fantastic sunset a few weeks ago. The girls came in the house yelling for me. They know that Grandma loved the sunsets and it is rare to see a good one here in the mountains.

Thank you, mom!

Happy Maddie

Maddie has loved her second grade class. I have had the chance to volunteer in the class once a month this year and love seeing her in her school mode.

"Bucky's an Angel"

As we returned to our hotel after the first Mayo appointments on February 15th, our cell phone rang. It was from Maria, the dogsitter. She and her sisters have watched our dogs while we are out of town for a few years now. The minute I saw it was from her...I knew! Bucky was gone!

He was almost 13 years old and had been having more and more troubles in the last year. He had found more "spots" to curl up outside. He had fallen in the kitchen just because someone had walked by. He wasn't able to see much. He had been waking us up at night panting and pacing for months. He was just old. At his last vet appointment, we talked about what this stage of life might be like for him and how to cope.

It was so terrible for all of us, especially because we were10 hours away in Arizona. After Eric and I cried outside the hotel door (while the kids watched cartoons), we told the kids. Maddie and Elise burst into tears. Then, they wanted to go home. After a lot of hugging and crying, we snuggled up on the hotel bed and decided he was "safe" and that we would stick together until Eric's tests were done. Elise sang songs to let her emotions out, Maddie snuggled close for extra hugs, and Gus just kept saying, "Bucky died."

When we returned to Los Alamos, the kids decorated the patio door with dog pictures and messages, Eric put a bunch of Bucky photos on the digital picture frame, and many lovely people gave gifts. Our house is still not the same and I miss his soft, soft ears and gentle spirit. He was Eric's first dog and he has been the most sad.

The good that has come is that Chaco has become extra special with lots of attention from everyone. Maddie especially has been good to Chaco lately. Gus still just says, "Bucky died." And Elise has reminded us all that it's okay, "Bucky's an angel" in heaven with Grandma Jeanne and Grandpa Arvo. We'll see him someday.

The day after he passed, we found a nice park where the kids could feed the birds, play with walking dogs, and heal in the sun.