Friday, March 26, 2010

Outdoor Bed

We have had a lot of snow this year. No complaints since it tends to melt quickly and it is fun to play in. We love the seasons and are thankful to live somewhere that gets each one for the right amount of time. But...we are all itching for green grass, sunshine, and no boots. We had a few really nice days this week.

On this particular one, I was home in house doing the mom thing -- working on the taxes, cleaning the kitchen, figuring out dinner, folding clothes, ... I looked out the window to get Gus for his afternoon nap and I found this.

He had taken the tablecloth from the patio table and made a bed. He had brought out his blankie, his favorite stuffed animal, a pillow, and some books. When I asked him what he was doing, he said, "Rest time, mommy!" Then he snuggled up and patted the space next to him and said, "Come on, mommy. Read to me." :) I just couldn't say no to that! We rested on his outdoor bed and read his books, but he said, "It's too bright. Go in the house." So we brought it all in his room for nap time.

These are the precious moments that slip away and why I knew it was time for me to update the blog again! :) Happy Spring Everyone!

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