Sunday, June 6, 2010

Isotopes and Fish

We decided to spend the warm April weekend after Eric's birthday in Albuquerque. We checked into the Drury Inn, ate hot dogs and nachos, and drove over to the minor league baseball stadium to watch the Isotopes. The next day we swam in the pool, fished at Tingley Beach, and toured the aquarium.

We brought our gloves since we sit in the grass in the outfield. The kids LOVE it! They roll around, eat popcorn, and make friends.

The best part was that they got to "run the bases" after the game. The girls were psyched and ran fast, but Gus wanted to go too. I asked if I could run with him, but it was just for kids. Then, Gus jumped out of my arms and took off. He was half the size of the other kids, but he ran the all the bases and was SO proud of himself! It happened so fast, I didn't get a picture!

No one caught anything, but Gus LOVED fishing!!

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