Sunday, June 6, 2010

Spring Break 2010

Road Trip!

We had a great time this spring break in Texas March 27 to April 2. We drove through Lubbock, San Angelo, San Antonio, Corpus Christi, Austin, Abilene. We enjoyed two days on the beach at the Gulf of Mexico, three days in San Antonio, a day in Austin. Highlights include camping on the beach, our hotel in San Antonio with friends, the Riverwalk, catching up with my old roommate from Wisconsin, Sea World, walking around college campuses, and BBQ.

The drive across West Texas was L-O-N-G! We survived...thanks to the portable DVD player, lots of snacks, and the excitement of the windmill farms!

The windmills in West Texas were HUGE!

When you road trip, you don't stay in the nicest hotels but the kids don't care.

Ahhh..the Gulf of Mexico in the early morning was amazing.

Everything is big in Texas...the highway is full of Suburbans and PickUps, men with big cowboys hats, and the space between one place and the next!

Resting with my college roommate's kids after a long Sea World day.
Thanks Teri for a great evening!

Eric was in heaven at Rudy's BBQ.

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